Build your knowledge
Choose any course from our accredited eLearning library with instant access and personalised certifcation
Most courses take 45-60 minutes.
Choose any course from our accredited eLearning library with instant access and personalised certifcation
Most courses take 45-60 minutes.
Get access to the same training courses used by leading brands
Our library of over 60 eLearning workplace training courses is ready for you to access at a moments notice, giving you the same expertly curated content that’s used by leading brands.
Easy-to-use online platform
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Instant access
From workplace essentials to ongoing personal development we go the extra mile to make sure that each and every course does more than tick the box. Our CPD accredited courses are designed to help you get the knowledge you need, when you need it most.
CPD Accredited
60+ courses to choose from
Instant personalised certification on completion
All of courses are mobile friendly ensuring that you don’t need a degree in the latest technology to be able to access them. Simply connect to the internet and login to your new CLickHSE training account to complete your courses.
Most courses take around 1 hour
Mobile optmised
Professional audio voiceover for those with reading difficulties.