Whitelisting for email delivery
There may be an occasion where your organisation and users within it do not receive our automated emails.
These emails are critical to platform use and include important notification such as
New user account verification
Password reset verification
Refresher training reminders
System updates for platform administrators
If you're users are having trouble receiving within your organisation, it's probably because an email firewall is in place.
As it tends to look suspicious when multiple people at one company are getting the same email at the same time, such as when a group of staff members are all creating a new account, it is possible that your firewall is automatically ‘blocking’ the delivery of these emails or has been configured to only allow approved email addresses to pass through the security filter.
Please send this page to your IT department and politely ask them to use the information below to whitelist our servers which will hopefully prevent future email delivery problems.
For IT Managers
AT&F is an award winning online training service provider that’s been around for over 20 years. We train millions of employees each year in essential health and safety topics that help keep people safe at work. Our system delivers countless emails every day to employees allowing them to access, change and verify their personal user training account.
We work hard behind the scenes to provide a safe service to everyone with your IT security at the forefront. We constantly monitor our email performance metrics are proudly retain a 10/10 delivery profile score.
Please add the following credentials to your Whitelist. If your organisations internet browsers are centrally managed and configured accordingly (IBM Notes / Lotus Notes, etc) please allow Javascript for the below websites also.
Email: no-reply@clickhse.co.uk
Email: no-reply@clickhse.net
Email: no-reply@clickhse.com
Email: (various) @atfsolutions.com
Email: (various) @clickhse.com
Email: (various) @learndirect.com
Website: www.atfsolutions.com
Website: www.clickhse.co.uk
Website: www.clickhse.net
Website: www.clickhse.com
Website: www.learndirect.com