Get award-winning management tools at your fingertips
eLearning modules
Choose from our library of 50+ fully accredited eLearning modules to suit your business and training requirements
Automated refreshers
Automate refresher training with handy built in timelines to prompt and remind your staff automatically.
Instant certificates
All users can issue instant personalised certificates on course completions with copies saved for managers
Intelligent reporting
Make reporting simple with a range of intuitive tools that maximise the use of your training data.
Classroom management
Setup face-to-face training, issue notifications to staff and then score & track attendance in one place.
Compliance tracking
Improve compliance with intelligent tracking and discover who needs a helping hand or further training.
Risk assessments
Issue interactive risk assessments to staff and instantly flag areas of concern to department line managers.
Document tracking
Upload policies, forms and any other useful document and track reader acknowledgments.