ClickHSE Business


Mix course licenses across any courses and give users access to the exact training they need. Includes 12 months access to the ClickHSE management platform.

Example: 25 users with 4 courses each = 100 licenses total

10+ total licenses = £13.50 each

25+ total licenses = £7.95 each

50+ total licenses = £6.25 each

75+ total licenses = £5.50 each

100+ total licenses = £4.95 each

250+ total licenses = £POA

Get a confirmation by email


ClickHSE includes these essential tools



✓ Free setup

✓ Free training session

✓ 12 months unlimited access

✓ Simple staff signup tool

✓ Interactive company dashboard

✓ CPD credits for all users



✓ Extensive help library

✓ How-to videos

✓ Email templates

✓ Dedicated support team


✓ Powerful learning management system

✓ Secure GDPR data storage

✓ Interactive risk assessments

✓ Instant staff certificates



✓ CPD accredited eLearning

✓ 60+ courses

✓ Average course time 45 mins

✓ Built-in page bookmarking

✓ System status tracking

✓ SCORM 1.2 compliant


✓ Powerful reporting

✓ Unlimited Administrators

✓ Data export to spreadsheet

✓ Weekly summaries



✓ Simple staff signup tool

✓ Excel bulk user upload

✓ Self-registration screen

✓ Personalised certificates

✓ Refresher training reminders

✓ Unlimited course access

✓ Unlimited test attempts


✓ Issue training instantly

✓ Bulk upload staff via spreadsheet

✓ Certificate tracking

✓ Instant score tracking



✓ Bolt-on courses

✓ Third-party course hosting

✓ Document tracking

Coming soon:

✓ Fire risk assessments

✓ Accident reporting

✓ Interactive checklists


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