How often do night staff require fire safety training?
Within certain industry sectors and organisations such as hotels and care homes staff are required to take refresher training at least twice a year.
Most employees undergo basic fire safety training when joining a business at induction and then periodically thereafter refresher training is expected annually in most workplaces.
This helps make sure that staff remain familiar with the fire safety arrangements for the workplace and are reminded of the action to be taken if there is a fire.
Where staff are required to ensure the safety of guests or residents sleeping at night training should be more frequent, such as twice a year.
With staff numbers normally reduced during the night-shifts the responsibility for those staff managing the premises and the safety of the people within it becomes greater.
Tip - Fire Awareness training is the type of Health & Safety course that is applicable to absolutely everyone within a workplace; irrespective of the industry sector. Under the Fire Safety Order 2005, it is a legal requirement that every member of staff receives some kind of workplace fire safety training, which is also enforced within the RRO.